Central Fife Times news article
Lorna Bett, SSP list candidate for Mid Scotland & Fife has called on local councils to freeze Council Tax in order to counter the effects of ongoing rises.
Lorna Said:
"February is budget time again for local councils and the, almost obligatory, rise in our Council Tax. Under New Labour Council Tax has gone up year on year to the point where it is crippling working families across the country".
"The Council Tax fails to take into account a persons ability to pay. The differential between those who pay the most and those who pay the least is only three to one which certainly doesn't reflect the differential in pay between the top earners and say a nurse or a school janitor or call centre worker."
"The SSP has trailblazed the fight against the Council Tax – raising bills in the Scottish Parliament to scrap the Council Tax and replace it with a fairer Scottish Service Tax based on ability to pay. Unfortunately an unholy alliance of Labour, Liberal, Tory and Nationalist MSPs have continually voted to keep the Council Tax".
"These continual rises have to stop, Stirlingshire and Fife councils must follow the example of Glasgow and freeze Council Tax this year giving tax payers some respite. Of course this would only be a temporary respite and really we need to sweep away the inequalities of the Council Tax".
"In May a team of SSP MSPs in the Scottish Parliament will continue the fight to abolish the Council Tax whilst SSP councillors will do everything they can at a local level bring about this change."